Posted by : Amrit Sunday, 12 January 2014

As a Screenwriter, when you are really not satisfied with the plot of your script, you ask the director to cast some of the hottest actors around and the same film becomes pretty much watchable and in rare cases, immensely enjoyable. Something like that happened with Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

It was weak on the plot and the director cashed in on Matthew McConaughey and Michael Douglas. what appeared to be an ordinary romantic comedy turned out pretty much enjoyable with some good performances by Matthew McConaughey and Micheal Douglas.  
Connor Mead [Matthew McConaughey] went to attend his younger brother’s wedding and after the rehearsal dinner he gets a visit from Uncle Wayne [Michael Douglas], now Uncle Wayne was the man who taught Connor everything there is to know about having women, but the catch is that he has died many years ago and he is a ghost now. He also gets visits from ghosts from his past, present and future girlfriends. all of them trying to show him his flaws with women.

I didn't really like the whole movie, there was many weird moments when you will feel like fast forwarding the film and running into the final conclusion straight away. But what keep you to not do that is watching the perfectly cast Connor and Uncle Wayne, it was like written especially for McConaughey and Michael Douglas respectively. I could go on watching Uncle Wayne for hours. I love flamboyancy if it is sexy enough and thus Uncle Wayne is certainly one of my most loved flamboyant characters.

If you are a Michael Douglas fan or if you like Matthew McConaughey, you should give it a try for once. How I loved Emma Stone in The Amazing Spiderman, she is a total waste in here. Jennifer Garner didn't had too much to do but she did manage to impress with whatever little part she was given.

Movie Geek's Ratings: ★★

Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Michael Douglas, Emma Stone, Jennifer Garner, Michael Douglas

Directed by: Mark Waters


Author: Amrit Rukhaiyaar

{ 8 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Chick flick :) Sounds good to me. Perfect wine, chocolate and girlfriends evening.

    1. Yes its good enough, like I said, 'Alright'

  2. I agree with Jackie. Sounds like it could be amusing, if not spectacular.

    1. Some people do love this film and that's not surprising, I recommend it Sonya :)

  3. Indeed it was a bit floozy, but if you have someone as delicious as Matthew McConaughey, then what's there to complain. I guess the narrative was a bit slow with added jolts when he keeps moving from one scenario to another with the past girlfriends. Anyway, a nice round up, here. Thanks, Amritt!

  4. Nice round up and thanks Amritt !!
    Good Day


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